If we are to adapt to the world's changing demography, global ageing must be addressed at the highest level of international development policy. Find out what HelpAge is doing.

Post-2015 and Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to ensuring that the Sustainable Development Goals create development and prosperity for people of all ages, including those in later life.

The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals’ proposal does reference ageing in key areas and we want to make sure this ambition is not dropped as Member States embark on final discussions in 2015.

We believe that a post-2015 framework that does not explicitly address the rights, needs and aspirations of older people cannot be considered legitimate, nor will it be effective at tackling poverty.

Our successes so far:

  • HelpAge offices, Affiliates and partners in more than 30 countries across the globe have influenced post-2015 discussions at national level by engaging with governments and civil society groups, including those working on issues of women, disability and youth.
  • We have established the Stakeholder Group on Ageing (SGA) – a strong and effective advocacy partnership that brings together global and national networks of organisations concerned with issues of ageing. The membership of the SGA is open to all organisations working in the field of ageing at the global, regional and national levels. The current membership includes: AARP, Age International, Gray Panthers, HelpAge International, International Federation on Ageing, ILC Global Alliance Ltd, INPEA, the NGO Committee on Ageing Geneva and the NGO Committee on Ageing New York.
  • As part of the Stakeholder Group we have influenced the sessions of the Open Working Group and ensured ageing was referenced in the final outcome document.
  • The Group has developed strong alliances with the Children and Youth, Women and NGO Major Groups including joint work on Transformative Human Development.
  • The Group has worked with the UNDP to set up an online platform to discuss the World We Want for Older People.
  • We have successfully increased awareness of ageing and older people in post-2015 discussions using the Global AgeWatch Index as a key tool for engagement.

What next?

  • With the HelpAge global network, we will ensure Governments at the national and UN level hear the voices of the world’s older people.
  • We will develop a set of evidence-based targets and indicators linked to our Global AgeWatch Index, which can be used by Governments, UN institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
  • We will build alliances with key UN agencies and other civil society organisations.
  • We will build a strong online profile through social media and the World We Want for Older People platform.

What we want in the post-2015 process

The post-2015 sustainable development framework must respond to the fact that the world is ageing and ensure opportunities for increased longevity.

Overall musts for the framework

  • It must be grounded in human rights principles including universality, non-discrimination, equality, participation, empowerment and accountability.
  • It must be universal and provide guidelines for a society of all ages for all ages.
  • It must have specificity that articulates how goals and targets will be delivered for all people, including in older age.
  • It must have indicators for all people of all ages with data disaggregated by sex and age.

We urge UN Member States to adopt the wording “all people of all ages” in all relevant goals and targets. We are calling for the the framework to:

Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality

  • By 2030, implement nationally appropriate universal social protection floors ensuring coverage of the most marginalised.

Health and population dynamics

  • Reduce by x% the risk of avoidable/preventable mortality from non-communicable diseases, injuries and promote mental health, with a strong focus on prevention for all people of all ages.
  • Achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, for all people of all ages.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment

  • Promote the availability of gender and age disaggregated data to improve gender equality policies, including gender sensitive budgeting.

Economic growth, employment and infrastructure

  • Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all people of all ages who seek employment including for marginalised groups by 2030.
  • By 2030, provide older workers with access to education or vocational training, re-skilling or other means to maintain their employability.

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