Age-inclusive data

HelpAge undertook an assessment of  Sustainable Development Goals indicators on older people in India, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia and Ukraine, in collaboration with Statistics Without Borders, a volunteer outreach group of the American Statistical Association.

Download the assessment here: ‘Breaking through the 60+ ceiling‘.
This assessment presents granular age-inclusive data on the state of older women and men, their families and communities. The information focuses on data gathered from labour force, household income and expenditure surveys, and the Demographic and Health Survey administered over 2007-2018.
The evidence shows that better disaggregation of data on older people is prevented by a variety of factors such as missing data, social dynamics, and small sample sizes. Therefore this brief makes recommendations on specific areas where action is needed by National Statistical Offices and their partners.
The brief aims to contribute to the work of the Titchfield City Group on Ageing and Age-disaggregated data (TCGA), of which HelpAge is a Steering Group member, as well as to encourage the group to explore synergies with relevant national and international data processes such as the Inter-secretariate Working Group on Household Surveys.

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