Rights of older people in the Middle East

We have partnered with the United Nations Population Fund Arab States Regional Office (UNFPA ASRO), and other organisations, to assess the state of the rights of older people across the Middle East.

Download the resources below to find out more.

Ageing strategies review

This review assesses the extent to which national ageing strategies are in line with human rights principles and standards in the Arab world, with a focus on Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. ArabicEnglish

Right to dignified ageing

This is a guide to establishing rights-based policies for older people in the Arab region. UNFPA and HelpAge are working in partnership to make their rights visible in laws, policies, strategies, measures, research and data.

Country profiles

Find out more about the rights and wellbeing of older people in:
Algeria l Egypt l Iraq l Jordan (Arabic)
Kuwait l Lebanon (Arabic) l Morocco (Arabic)
Palestine l Qatar l Saudi Arabia l
Syria (Arabic) l Tunisia l UAE (Arabic)

Raising awareness in the region

In collaboration with the UNFPA Arab States Regional Office, the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo, and the Arab League (Arab Council of Ministers of Social Affairs), HelpAge is helping to raise awareness on the challenges older people face in the region through webinars.

Read more about the rights of older people in Lebanon, and the desperate circumstances they face due to lack of social protection.

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