Financial constraints, lack of access to services, and a deteriorating safety situation continue to negatively impact the lives of older people and people with disabilities in Myanmar.

Myanmar needs assesment of older people


The socio-economic crisis in Myanmar that resulted from the military coup on 1 February 2021 continues to affect older people.
For the third time, HelpAge International conducted a rapid needs assessment among older people and people with disabilities to identify their specific needs.
The findings are bleak, and show a further deterioration since the last report from November 2021, reiterating HelpAge’s recommendations.
  • 73% of older people have no income

  • 85% need support to access health services

  • 45% cannot afford healthy meals

  • 10% have to skip meals to get by

HelpAge continues to support older people through its network of community groups throughout Myanmar. However, prices for food, fuel, and healthcare services continue to rise, and access to communities is restricted by the military, presenting further challenges for many.

Download the report here.

Access here the needs assessments of the situation of older people in Myanmar from April 2021 and October 2021.

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