Are the rules about COVID-19 in your country fair to older people? Here are 7 principles to find out.

Seven principles for a rights-based public health response to COVID-19

Are the rules about COVID-19 in your country fair for older people? Use this ‘Seven principles’ guide to assess whether public health measures being suggested, or used, respect the rights of older people. Download the easy-to-read version here.


1. Treating older people with respect

This means:

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:

2. Treating older people fairly

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:

3. Making sure older people are part of the community and have the same chances as everyone else

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:

4. Making sure older people can make their own choices

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:


5. Making sure the COVID-19 rules are made in the right way

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:

6. Making sure older people can have a say about  the COVID-19 rules

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:

7. Making sure the COVID-19 rules are right for older people

Some questions to ask about the COVID-19 rules in your country:



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