- “Gender equality means changing systems, not women”: Reflections on women’s rights
- “Slowly, we will get there”: Reflections on gender equality
- “To be a movement, you have to move – and we must move forward”
- #OlderNotOver feedback
- #OlderNotOver: Join the movement
- 10 years of Age Demands Action
- 30 years after Beijing: has anything really changed for women?
- 30 years of progress and challenges for women’s rights
- A life transformed by the fight for gender equality
- A lifelong fight for gender equality in the Arab World
- A Luta Continua: The fight for equality knows no age
- A rising force for change: Older people and climate action
- About us
- Accessibility policy
- Age Inclusion Handbook
- Ageing in the 21st century
- Archived
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 1: Setting the scene
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 2: A fresh look at evidence
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 3: A review of progress
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 4: The voices of older persons
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 5: Findings
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Foreword by Babatunde Osotimehin
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Preface by Ban Ki-moon
- Ageing in the 21st Century: Ten priority actions to maximise the opportunity of ageing populations
- Blogs
- Missing millions: Infographic on how older people with disabilities are excluded from humanitarian response
- Module five: Implementing different types of resource development
- Module four: Donor scoping and donor engagement
- Module one: Resource development strategy
- Module three: Project proposal and concept note writing
- Module two: Project development
- Beyond gender equality: Why we must prioritise the rights of older women
- Beyond labour: redefining women’s role in the economy
- Boletines – América Latina y el Caribe
- Brand
- Bringing women’s rights to the grassroots
- Celebrating three decades of courage and change
- Climate Elders: Climate change through the eyes of older people
- Communities for all ages
- Data on ageing
- Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria
- Emergencies
- Emergency guidelines
- Equality for all ages: ensuring older women are seen and heard
- Expression of Interest
- Feminism in an age of backlash
- Feminist solidarity: The power of unity in advancing women’s rights
- From classrooms to conferences: a journey of purpose
- From hope to disillusionment: a reckoning with the past 30 years
- Games on inclusion of age, disability and gender in preparedness and humanitarian response
- Global aid’s gender equality failures
- Global network
- Health and care
- HelpAge at 40
- 40 years in pictures
- HelpAge at 40: Q&A with founding member Rita Duarte
- HelpAge at 40: HelpAge Ambassador Mark Gorman reflecting on our history
- HelpAge at 40: What HelpAge global network members say about us
- Forty years of expanding horizons
- Age-inclusive humanitarianism
- Resilience in the aftermath of the 2004 Asian Tsunami
- The extraordinary impact of Older People’s Associations worldwide
- Vietnam’s Intergenerational Self-Help Clubs
- From Ignored to Empowered: HelpAge’s Fight Against Ageism in HIV Response
- Unlocking potential: HelpAge’s journey of social pensions
- The Fight for Older People’s Rights
- HelpAge Healthy Ageing Platform: A hub for collaboration and impact
- HelpAge websites
- Home
- Hope, struggle, and progress in the journey towards gender equality
- HRC58: Building support for a new UN convention on older persons’ rights
- Human rights training toolkit
- Human rights training toolkit – Module one
- Human rights training toolkit – Module three
- Human rights training toolkit – Module two
- International Day of Older Persons 2024
- Join us
- Lebanon: Older people face desperate circumstances due to lack of social protection
- Never give up: a call for older women’s empowerment
- News
- Newsletter
- Noticias
- Older women, caregiving, and the silent crisis of gender inequality
- Open letter for Universal Health Coverage Day 2024
- Practical guidelines
- Privacy & Cookies
- Publications
- Reflections on Beijing: A journey of activism, change, and urgency
- Reframing Ageing: Asia Pacific regional conference
- Regional representatives
- Report a concern: HelpAge complaint submission
- Resource Development Training
- Resource development training
- Rights and advocacy
- Sample Page
- Seven Simple Ways to Prevent Elder Abuse
- Sitemap
- Statement by Mary Robinson
- Support older people: donate today
- Terms and conditions
- Test page
- The forgotten faces of gender equality
- The illusion of progress: A feminist’s unflinching perspective
- The power of collective action to achieve gender equality
- The roar that changed everything: pushing for equality at the UN
- The unfinished journey: reflections on progress and persistence
- Two years of war in Ukraine through the eyes of older people
- Voice training toolkit: Module five
- Voice training toolkit: Module six
- Voice training toolkit: Modules one to four
- What we do
- Respond to humanitarian crises
- A claim to dignity: Ageing on the move
- Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria
- If not now, when?
- Middle East crisis
- Myanmar needs assesment of older people
- Myanmar needs assessment of the situation of older people: ‘Because I can’t run like the others’
- Older people in East Africa on brink of starvation
- Older people’s experiences of the Ukraine war and their inclusion in the humanitarian response
- Rapid Needs Assessment of the effects of Myanmar’s military takeover of the government on older people
- Rapid Needs Assessment: Haiti earthquake 2021
- Supporting older people in Pakistan floods
- Supporting older people in Ukraine
- Ukraine: rapid needs assessment of displaced older people
- How we work in emergencies and humanitarian crises
- Humanitarian advocacy and policy
- Using older people’s data in inclusive humanitarian programmes
- The Humanitarian Standards Partnership
- Support healthy ageing
- Age, sex and HIV: Older women’s stories
- COVID-19 guidance
- A report on the impact of COVID-19 on Older People
- COVID-19 vaccine: Equity and access for older people
- COVID-19: Age-based measures coming out of lockdown
- COVID-19: end of life care at home. Guidance for family members and friends
- COVID-19: Guidance and advice for communities and older people’s associations
- COVID-19: Guidance and advice for carers of older people at home
- COVID-19: Guidance and advice for older people
- COVID-19: Pensions
- Guidelines for care homes for older people in the context of COVID-19
- HelpAge and the Global Network’s response to COVID-19
- Joint statement by AgeNet and HelpAge on older people during COVID-19
- Older informal workers in the COVID-19 crisis
- Older people and COVID-19 in informal settlements
- Principles of WASH in response to COVID-19
- Protecting older people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- Seven principles for a rights-based public health response to COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccine distribution: No one is safe until everyone is safe
- Health Outcomes Tool
- HIV and AIDS policy
- Understanding care and support in Indonesia
- Universal Health Coverage
- Universal Health Coverage infographic
- Improve income security
- Food, fuel and finance crisis
- Income security for older migrants and refugees in Colombia and Peru
- Stories from older women on social protection and economic empowerment
- AFFORD programme: A legacy of empowerment and change for older people in Africa
- Social protection policy
- Work, family and social protection in Asia
- Work policy
- Create a society for all ages
- Bringing generations together for change
- Society for all ages initiatives
- Age-inclusive data
- Ageing cities
- Building friendly communities for older people
- Confronting the shadow pandemic: COVID-19 and violence, abuse and neglect of older people
- Lifecourse approach to ageing
- Older citizen monitoring
- Population ageing policies in Asia Pacific
- Post-2015 and Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainable Development Goals
- The #GreyAndGreen Manifesto
- The Madrid Plan (MIPAA)
- Getting older people’s voices heard
- What is population ageing?
- Act on climate change
- Advance gender equality
- Protect the rights of older people
- Challenge ageism
- Respond to humanitarian crises
- Why 2024 is a crucial year for the UN Convention on Older People
- Widows, women, and the world: A new chapter at the 1995 Beijing Conference
- Work with us
- América Latina y el Caribe
- Older people’s stories
- Daw Toe Ma’s story
- Elisabeth’s Story
- Elisabeth’s story from the Gambella Ngunyyiel Refugee camp
- Hanan’s story
- Safwan’s story
- Untold stories: Bharat Mohan Adhikari, Nepal
- Untold stories: Bodir Uddin, Bangladesh
- Untold stories: Celebrating older human rights campaigners
- Untold stories: Felicien Mulinda, Rwanda
- Untold stories: Grigoriy Atanov, Ukraine
- Untold stories: Haifa Al Basheer, Jordan
- Untold stories: Hellen Hove, Zimbabwe
- Untold stories: Honourable John Chikalimba, Malawi
- Untold stories: Jane Nyawira Miano, Kenya
- Untold stories: Jozica Puhar, Slovenia
- Untold stories: Malong Pitsi, Lesotho
- Untold stories: Margaret Kabango, Uganda
- Untold stories: Mateboho Lehotla, Lesotho
- Untold stories: Mehemed Hasic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Untold stories: Mulugeta Bekele, Ethiopia
- Untold stories: Natalia Ladoshyna, Ukraine
- Untold stories: Natalia Miroshnichenko, Ukraine
- Untold stories: Nyatuong Yok Madol, South Sudan
- Untold stories: Philip Hakim Bongomin, South Sudan
- Untold stories: Rambadan Joshi, Nepal
- Untold stories: Rudo Chinenga, Zimbabwe
- Untold stories: Samira Hasan Ibraheem Sinwar, Palestine
- Untold stories: Sher Shah, Pakistan
- Untold stories: Sibusiso Ngcobo, South Africa
- Untold stories: Sylvester Niragira, Tanzania
- Untold stories: Valentina Solodova, Tajikistan
- Untold stories: Vera Geykina, Kyrgyzstan
- Untold stories: Waiswa Muganza, Uganda
- Untold stories: Yezeshewal Eshete, Ethiopia
- Untold stories: Zainabu Mukarulinda, Rwanda
- Social media toolkit
- Kyrgyzstan’s older women redefining beauty and fashion