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Ageways (Horizontes) 64: Ageing and disability

This issue includes an article on ways to include disabled older people in development activities, disability awareness raising, and a credit scheme in Haiti that helps blind older people to economic independence.

Ageways (Horizontes) 66: Ageing and emergencies

Ageways 66 looks at why older people's needs and capacities are overlooked in emergencies, with practical methods to ensure their inclusion. Also, how communities can protect themselves from natural disasters.

Ageing and Development 1

This issue includes information on the neglect of ageing issues in development, a short discussion on gender and ageing, and an outline of a five-year research programme on nutritional vulnerability.

Ageing and Development 3

This issue includes information about research in Ghana on the contribution of older people to development and a discussion of the marginalisation of older people at the Global Meeting of Generations.

Ageing and Development 4

This issue includes an article on the widespread lack of understanding by relief agencies of the needs of older people and a report on violence against older people.

Ageing and Development 5

This issue contains a briefing on the widespread neglect of older people in UN summits and conferences, and an examination of the relief effort in the Indian state of Orissa following a cyclone in 1999.

Ageing and Development 6

This issue includes a report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ work towards a plan of action on ageing, and a discussion on witchcraft beliefs in northern Tanzania.

Ageing and Development 7

This issue includes a profile of volunteer home-helpers in South Korea and a discussion of the impact of conflict and economic sanctions on older Kurdish people in Northern Iraq.

Ageing and Development 8

This issue includes a briefing on the need for an intergenerational approach to HIV and AIDS, and profiles of a Lithuanian NGO supporting older women and a project to capture the memories of older Cambodians.

Ageing and Development 9

This issue includes an article on the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV and AIDS, and a briefing on the opportunities offered to older people by the inclusion of civil society in the development process.

Ageing and Development 10

This issue includes an article about the situation in Afghanistan, a briefing on issues around food and older people, and information about the introduction of a national policy for older people.

Ageing and Development 11

This issue includes an overview of ten action points recommended to governments as part of their commitment to the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002.