
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

How to prepare for an emergency poster

This poster shows how to prepare for an emergency, including community mapping, communications, preparing an evacuation bag, and general preparedness.

Evacuation bag checklist

This checklist provides an illustrated guide of what to pack in an evacuation bag in case of an emergency.

Documenting good practices at partner level

This report looks at the work done by HelpAge and its partners under the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) funded project “Strengthening Regional Responses to Mitigate the Impact of HIV and AIDS among Older People in Africa.”

Europe: Leading the Way

This policy brief sets out why and how the EU, as the world's largest aid donor, must start including older people in its development policies and programmes.

Ageing and Development 30

A&D30 highlights the rise of non-communicable diseases and argues for a lifecourse approach that includes older age. It also discusses older people’s rights, ageing in Latin America and drought in east Africa.

Testimony manual for MIPAA plus 10 bottom-up, participatory approach

This manual provides guidelines for collecting video and written testimonies on age discrimination. The focus is on exploring the experiences, perceptions, fears and hopes of older people. This activity will contribute to a report on the “State of the world’s older persons 2012”.