
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Working with older persons in forced displacement

This guidelines, developed with UNHCR, look at the protection risks faced by older people in contexts of forced displacement. They provide guidance on key protections concerns and risks, as well as key actions agencies can take to address them.

Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and A Challenge – Executive Summary (Thai)

Thai translation of Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge, a landmark new report published by UNFPA and HelpAge. It makes the case for governments, NGOs, global institutions, and civil society to fully commit to a concerted global effort to realign 21st century society to fit the realities of 21st century demographics.

Older people in emergencies: identifying and reducing risks

These guidelines systematically review the main risks to which older people are exposed in emergency situations. It is intended for humanitarian practitioners and emergency managers involved in the design and implementation of emergency programmes.

Invecchiare nel ventunesimo secolo: Un traguardo e Una sfida Sintesi

Italian translation of Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: A Celebration and A Challenge, a landmark new report published by UNFPA and HelpAge. It makes the case for governments, NGOs, global institutions, and civil society to fully commit to a concerted global effort to realign 21st century society to fit the realities of 21st century demographics.

Reducing economic vulnerability in Myanmar

This project newsletter looks at our project in rural Myanmar which helps communities establish Village Development Committees. These committees empower communities for social and economic development and establish a community-level social protection mechanism in marginalised areas.

Disasters & Livelihoods

Disasters & Livelihoods reports on a project coordinated by HelpAge International in the Caribbean to help farmers make their livelihoods more resistant to disasters.