
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Sheria Ya Ndoa

This manual provides volunteer community paralegals with information on laws of marriage to enable them to provide legal advice, counselling and referral services to community members focusing on older people’s rights.

Sauti ya Wazee

This newsletter looks at tackling witchcraft accusations, supporting the prevention and control of NCDs and new research on rural transport services for older people.

AgeNews Asia/Pacific 11

This edition of AgeNews looks at remembering the tsunami, homecare and older people as a potential resource and China’s new rural social insurance programme.

AgeNews Asia/Pacific 12

This edition of AgeNews looks at China’s 12th five-year plan on ageing and regional coordination on DRR and emergencies.

Information sheet: Community-based care in Lao PDR (Lao)

This leaflet looks at older people and the risk of NCDs in Laos as well as providing suggestions on how to build up the community-based care that can respond to the older people’s needs and improving the role of the family.