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Community-based social protection in the dry zone, Myanmar

This research was undertaken to investigate community-based mechanisms, structures and practices in Myanmar's dry zone villages that might be providing forms of social protection for vulnerable people living in these communities.

Ethio Ageways 4

This newsletter looks at the response to the drought in Ethiopia, older people's care and support centres, social protection, poverty reduction and the Age Demands Action campaign.

Ageways 84: Networks

Ageways 84 describes how organisations in Southern Africa have formed national networks to collaborate on research, programmes and advocacy on ageing issues and strengthen the voice of older people.

HIV and AIDS peer education manual for older people

This manual contains information and practical exercises for training older people as peer educators on HIV in older people and their families, including human rights, attitudes to HIV, HIV transmission, prevention, testing, living positively, stress management, home-based care, and planning a peer group intervention.

AgeNews Asia/Pacific 18

In this edition of AgeNews, we look ahead to the HelpAge 2016 regional conference, dementia in Indonesia, Age Demands Action on Health, policies affecting older people in Vietnam and the forum on social protection and ageing in Myanmar.