
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Connect 4

The fourth issue of our Asia newsletter Connect features stories on the right to heath for older people, a new regional programme on non-communicable disease intervention, a national ageing alliance in Thailand, older people's associations in Bangladesh, the financial security of older women in Singapore and the achievements of our network members in 2018.

Protection concerns of older women in Jordan

This policy brief analyses how older women’s protection concerns remain invisible in the humanitarian response to the Syria crisis and the wider policy framework in Jordan, and offers recommendations on how to ensure their meaningful inclusion in both.

Transforming gender relations in an ageing world (Arabic)

This is an Arabic translation of a policy discussion paper exploring the way in which intersecting inequalities affect life courses and gender relations in older age. It argues for a gendered lifecourse perspective within the Sustainable Development Goals framework.

HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2018 Proceedings

The proceedings give an overall picture of the HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2018, which had the theme "Family, community and state in ageing societies". It summarises presentations, discussions and observations that were highlighted during the event.