
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Executive Summary of Sida Evaluation Report

This indepdendent report assesses progress against our 2015-2018 funding agreement with Sida, the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of our strategy implementation model, and recommendations towards HelpAge's strategy beyond 2020. A copy of the full evaluation report is available upon request via

Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities (Spanish)

Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities (Spanish) This is the Spanish translation of a publication that brings together standards, key actions and practical guidance for including older people and people with disabilities in emergency responses. It also provides tools and resources, and case studies illustrating how older people and people with disabilities can better participate in humanitarian action.

Living, not just surviving (Arabic)

This is the Arabic version of Living, not just surviving, a paper on what older people say about their rights to social protection to education, training, lifelong learning and capacity building.

Older people’s perceptions of health and wellbeing

This report presents the findings of an analysis of data collected by HelpAge International and it's network members using HelpAge's Health Outcomes Tool. The tool is designed to collect data to better understand health and care in older age, and to measure the impact of HelpAge's health and care programmes. The tool was used between 2014 and 2017 in nine low and middle income countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Living, not just surviving (Spanish)

This is the Spanish version of Living, not just surviving, a paper on what older people say about their rights to social protection to education, training, lifelong learning and capacity building.