Advice for Communities and OPA’s (Arabic)
This guidance is aimed at community members and community groups, including older people’s associations (OPAs), on how to keep older people safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
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This guidance is aimed at community members and community groups, including older people’s associations (OPAs), on how to keep older people safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
This brief sets out to provide a concise analysis of the state of Lebanon's social protection system in the context of the ongoing economic and social crisis, with a particular focus on the ability of the country's social protection system to ensure income security in old age for all Lebanese.
This brief sets out to provide a concise analysis of the state of Lebanon's social protection system in the context of the ongoing economic and social crisis, with a particular focus on the ability of the country's social protection system to ensure income security in old age for all Lebanese.
During outbreaks of Covid-19 families may face the daunting and sad prospect of having to care for a loved one at home at the end of their life. HelpAge International and the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance have developed new guidance on how to provide end of life care for someone with COVID-19.
COVID-19 Advice for older people poster
The members of AgeNet International Gerontological Network and HelpAge Global Network in Eastern Europe and Central Asia call on governments, donors and agencies to recognise the heightened risk that older people face to their dignity and wellbeing in coronavirus pandemic, listen to their voices, and ensure they have equal access to prevention measures, support and services in all settings.
Age Demands Action: Escuchen nuestra voz. Herramienta para desafiar la discriminacion por edad en tiempos de COVID-19.
Age Demands Action: Hear Our Voices. Toolkit to challenge ageism in the time of COVID-19.
This paper aims to present a concise yet comprehensive argument for the importance of old age social pensions as an effective, efficient and affordable policy to achieve income security, and reduce poverty and inequality in older age.
Personas mayores y COVID 19
COVID-19 Recomendaciones para cuidadores
The Rapid needs assessment of older people, Zimbabwe drought crisis contains key findings of an assessment of the specific needs of older people affected by drought in Zimbabwe, together with observations and analysis by HelpAge's humanitarian team and sectoral advisers. The report aims to help all organisations operating in Zimbabwe, including humanitarian agencies, donors and clusters, to develop and implement inclusive programmes, and to support advocacy for the rights of older people.