
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Ageing and the SDGs_Key Messages (Russian)

This guide supports HelpAge staff and network members in using Agenda 2030 to advance older people's rights and inclusion in development policy and practice. It explains how global development must meet older people's needs and rights if it is to be sustainable and provides key arguments to make this case with policy makers.

Ageing and the SDGs_Flyer (Russian)

This flyer on Ageing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is part of the guide 'Ageing and the SDGs - Six steps to older peoples inclusion'.

Ageing and the SDGs_Flyer (Spanish)

This flyer on Ageing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is part of the guide "Ageing and the SDGs - Six steps to older peoples inclusion".

Ageing and the SDGs _Flyer (Arabic)

This flyer on Ageing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is part of the guide "Ageing and the SDGs - Six steps to older peoples inclusion".

Guidelines for Administering Pension Payments (Arabic)

This document provides governments, HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of pension payments.

Advice for Communities and OPA’s (Arabic)

This guidance is aimed at community members and community groups, including older people’s associations (OPAs), on how to keep older people safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Towards a rights-based Social Protection System for Lebanon (Arabic)

This brief sets out to provide a concise analysis of the state of Lebanon's social protection system in the context of the ongoing economic and social crisis, with a particular focus on the ability of the country's social protection system to ensure income security in old age for all Lebanese.

Towards a rights-based Social Protection System for Lebanon

This brief sets out to provide a concise analysis of the state of Lebanon's social protection system in the context of the ongoing economic and social crisis, with a particular focus on the ability of the country's social protection system to ensure income security in old age for all Lebanese.

Joint statement AgeNet and HelpAge on COVID-19

The members of AgeNet International Gerontological Network and HelpAge Global Network in Eastern Europe and Central Asia call on governments, donors and agencies to recognise the heightened risk that older people face to their dignity and wellbeing in coronavirus pandemic, listen to their voices, and ensure they have equal access to prevention measures, support and services in all settings.