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El envejecimiento y los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible: Mensajes clave para garantizar pol ticas que incluyan la edad

Esta guía ayuda al personal de HelpAge y a los miembros de la red a utilizar la Agenda 2030 para promover los derechos y la inclusión de las personas mayores en las políticas y prácticas del desarrollo. Explica cómo el desarrollo global debe satisfacer las necesidades y los derechos de las personas mayores para que sea sostenible y proporciona argumentos clave para presentar este caso a los responsables de construir políticas.

Ageing and place: Exploring how cities shape older people lives

Our lives are shaped by where we live. In cities, social and political power dynamics often combine to create geographies of exclusion. Rapid urban population ageing demands an understanding of the ways in which older age intersects with other factors to marginalise older people in the cities where they live. In 2019, HelpAge International conducted research with 1,310 older residents of Nairobi, Delhi and Mexico City to explore their experiences of different aspects of urban life, such as transportation and crime, and the social outcomes of these, such as loneliness and isolation. Their responses provided rich testimony of the ways in which the place we grow old in impacts on our experience of life. They illustrate, in particular, importance of place, mobility and inequality.

Connect 7

The seventh issue of our Asia-Pacific newsletter features stories from India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam. Learn about new and interesting projects by HelpAge and our global network members in the region.

Ageing and the SDGs_Flyer

This flyer on Ageing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is part of the guide "Ageing and the SDGs - Six steps to older peoples inclusion". The guide supports HelpAge staff and network members in using Agenda 2030 to advance older people's rights and inclusion. It sets out six key steps for integrating ageing and age-inclusive policies into national implementation of Agenda 2030, from understanding existing SDG implementation, to mapping key advocacy stakeholders and identifying the main influencing opportunities in the SDG process.

Ageing and the SDGs – Key messages

This guide supports HelpAge staff and network members in using Agenda 2030 to advance older people's rights and inclusion in development policy and practice. It explains how global development must meet older people's needs and rights if it is to be sustainable and provides key arguments to make this case with policy makers.

Ageing and the SDGs – Six steps to older peoples inclusion

This guide supports HelpAge staff and network members in using Agenda 2030 to advance older people's rights and inclusion. It sets out six key steps for integrating ageing and age-inclusive policies into national implementation of Agenda 2030, from understanding existing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation, to mapping key advocacy stakeholders and identifying the main influencing opportunities in the SDG process.

Rapid needs assessment of older people: Yemen

This report summarises our findings from our rapid needs assessment of the impact of the Yemeni conflict on older people in Sana's, Lahj and Taiz governorates in Yemen. The report aims to support organisations operating in the affected areas to develop inclusive programmes and support our advocacy for the rights of older people to be upheld in the response.