
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Lebanon

COVID-19 rapid needs assessment of older people in Lebanon. To inform and be able to adapt its programming and provide advocacy messages to humanitarian partners and the government, HelpAge undertook a multi-sector Rapid Needs Assessment in Lebanon in late May of 2020 and results shown represent the views and experience of older people sampled.

Principles of WASH in response to COVID-19

Access to safe water and hygiene and sanitation facilities plays a vital role in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for older people and people with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses who are often cited as most at risk. An inclusive approach to delivering aid is needed to ensure older people and people with disabilities are not overlooked in any humanitarian response.

How to administer pension payments during the COVID-19 pandemic

This document provides governments, HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of pension payments.

COVID-19: An inclusive response

HelpAge International facilitates a global network of organisations united to advance the health, dignity and security of older people. We leverage our partnerships with local organisations to deploy a community-based service model which addresses the disproportionate health risks faced by older people and mitigates against the collateral impacts of measures such as lockdowns and closures.

Psychosocial support for older people in the context of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is greatly impacting the lives and psychosocial wellbeing of people all over the world. Providing psychosocial support during the different phases of the crisis is very important and can help people cope better, including older people, their caregivers and their families.

Gender equality training toolkit

Comprising of Training manual, Training handouts, and Learning pack. The toolkit is designed for those trained to: reflect on perceptions of gender and other identities, across the life course and particularly in older age, and challenge unconscious bias; understand discrimination based on bias towards gender and other identities, particularly with regard to older people; understand why gender analysis is important in all development and humanitarian interventions; and learn how to carry out a gender analysis.

Gender equality training manual

Part of the HelpAge International Gender equality training toolkit. The Training manual and accompanying Handouts are designed for HelpAge's gender focal points to use for training colleagues, network members and partners to promote gender equality in their work.

Gender equality handouts

Part of the HelpAge International Gender equality training toolkit. The Training manual and accompanying Handouts are designed for HelpAge's gender focal points to use for training colleagues, network members and partners to promote gender equality in their work.

Gender equality learning pack

Part of the HelpAge International Gender equality training toolkit. The Learning pack is designed for HelpAge's gender focal points, staff, network members, and partners to use for complementary distance learning on gender equality.