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Rapid needs assessment of older people – La Guajira, Colombia

Older people's right to humanitarian assistance HelpAge International's vision is of a world where older people lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives. This applies to all older people, including those affected by humanitarian emergencies. The four principles of humanitarian action - humanity, neutrality, impartiality and operational independence - afford everyone the right to safe and dignified access to humanitarian assistance and protection without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. Commitment to international humanitarian law and these principles means everyone responding to a humanitarian crisis has a responsibility to ensure all those affected, including older people, have these rights upheld. We want older people to be able to access humanitarian aid with dignity and in safety. Older people are not inherently vulnerable to disasters. However, when disasters strike, they are at risk of having their rights denied.

Evaluaci n R pida de Necesidades de las personas mayores: La Guajira, Colombia

La población en Colombia incluye a más de 1.8 millones de personas afectadas por la actual crisis socioeconómica en Venezuela. Alrededor de 38.400 personas refugiadas y migrantes tienen 60 años o más y se encuentran entre las más vulnerables debido a la discriminación a la que se enfrentan; encontrando barreras para acceder a la salud, a los medicamentos y a las oportunidades de empleo.

Rapid Needs Assessment – Colombia

La visión de HelpAge International es un mundo donde las mujeres y los hombres mayores llevan vidas activas, dignas, saludables y seguras. Esto se aplica a todas las personas mayores, incluidas las afectadas por emergencias humanitarias. Los cuatro principios de la acción humanitaria -humanidad, neutralidad,imparcialidad e independencia operativa- otorgan a todos el derecho a un acceso seguro y digno a la asistencia y protección humanitaria sin discriminación y en igualdad de condiciones con los demás. El compromiso con el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y estos principios quieren decir que todas las personas que están inmersas en una crisis humanitaria se les debe garantizar el acceso a sus derechos, incluyendo a las personas mayores.

Rapid needs assessment of older people: La Guajira, Colombia

Population in Colombia includes more than 1.8 million people affected by the current socioeconomic crisis in Venezuela. Around 38,400 refugees and migrants are over 60 years and are at most vulnerable risk due to the discrimination they face in accessing health, medicine and employment opportunities.

Access to age-assistive technology: A resilience building measure for older people

This report explores the intersection between age, gender and disability and the use of Assisted Technology (AT) by older people, in emergency response and as a tool for disaster risk reduction. The report shows that AT can have a positive impact on independence, vulnerability reduction and resilience building for older women and men in humanitarian crises.

Older people s associations in Asia: Strengths and key factors for sustainability and replication

Older people's associations offer an approach for inclusive, sustainable community development that actively engages the growing population of older people. In order to assess how effectively OPAs are meeting the needs of older people, HelpAge commissioned action-based research that included an assessment of the OPA model in four countries in Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Syria

The RNA was conducted in northwest Syria in Azaz and Al Bab districts, Aleppo governorate, as well as in Al Dana, Harim and Idlib districts, in Idlib governorate. To be able to adapt its programming and provide advocacy messages to humanitarian partners HelpAge International and SEMA undertook a multi-sector RNA of older people in June 2020 and results shown represent the views and experience of older people sampled.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – South Sudan

This RNA targeted older people in Protection of Civilian sites (POC1 and POC3) and in the urban sites of Don Bosco, Mahad and Mangateen in South Sudan. The purpose was to assess and analyse the multi-sector impacts of COVID-19 on older people, including those displaced. The assessment was conducted in June-July 2020 by Humanitarian and Development Consortium (HDC) with technical support from HelpAge, to enable them both to adapt their programming and provide advocacy messages to humanitarian partners and the government.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Jordan

Data on adults over 50 years of age was collected through phone surveys with refugees and host community members in Amman, Irbid, Mafraq and Zarqa governorates in Jordan. HelpAge undertook a multi-sector RNA in May 2020 and results shown represent the views and experience of older people sampled.

It’s about rights

Practical toolkit to help you make a case for older people's rights and a UN convention during the COVID-19 pandemic.