
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.

Rapid needs assessment of older people – Zimbabwe drought crisis

The Rapid needs assessment of older people, Zimbabwe drought crisis contains key findings of an assessment of the specific needs of older people affected by drought in Zimbabwe, together with observations and analysis by HelpAge's humanitarian team and sectoral advisers. The report aims to help all organisations operating in Zimbabwe, including humanitarian agencies, donors and clusters, to develop and implement inclusive programmes, and to support advocacy for the rights of older people.

COVID-19: Advice and guidance for carers of older people at home

If you are providing care to a loved one at home, this may feel like a daunting and overwhelming time, particularly if the person or people you care for are at higher risk during the COVID-19 outbreak. Depending on your age and health conditions, you may also share that risk. The information included here gives clear and accurate advice about what you can do to support those in your care, while also looking after yourself.

Rapid needs assessment of older people in Kigoma, Tanzania

The Rapid needs assessment of older people in Kigoma, Tanzania contains the findings of an assessment of the needs of older refugees in Nyarugusu, Mtendeli and Nduta camps who have fled unrest in Burundi, together with observations and analysis by HelpAge's humanitarian team and sectoral advisers. The report aims to help all organisations operating in Tanzania, including humanitarian agencies, donors and cluster groups, to develop and implement inclusive programmes, and to support advocacy for the rights of older refugees.

COVID-19: Guidelines for care homes for older people (Spanish)

Este documento proporciona orientación y asesoramiento para las residencias de personas mayores sobre coronavirus o COVID-19. Si bien las personas mayores en residencias son particularmente vulnerables al COVID-19, hay pasos que se pueden tomar para reducir su riesgo y garantizar que estén bien atendidos y respaldados. El personal de atención domiciliaria también debe ser atendido y debe tener información para protegerse a sí mismo y a los que están bajo su cuidado. El documento incluye información sobre comportamiento personal, las acciones a tomar dentro de las residencias, la interacción con el exterior, las responsabilidades de gestión, gobernanza y qué hacer si se sospecha que alguien tiene el COVID-19.

COVID-19: Briefing by Age International / HelpAge

As the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe and dominates news headlines, humanitarian and development organisations are facing an unprecedented challenge to prepare and respond. We ask all those responding to the pandemic to consider explicitly its impact on older people. This Age International and HelpAge International briefing paper provides advice on how to respond to the specific needs and rights of older people, keeping the communities we work with as protected as possible from the impacts of the disease.

Covid-19 pandemic: Key messages for advocacy

This document provides HelpAge International staff, network members and partners with key messages to advocate for the effective inclusion of older people in preparedness planning and ongoing responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

COVID-19: Protecting older people during the coronavirus pandemic (Arabic)

Covid-19 is a new disease that presents specific risks for older people. It has been characterised by the WHO as 'a controllable pandemic' which all countries need to prepare for and respond to. This presents a challenge for low- and middle-income countries with weaker health and care systems, as well as in countries hosting populations of refugees and displaced people living in camps.

COVID-19: Protecting older people during the coronavirus pandemic (Spanish)

Covid-19 is a new disease that presents specific risks for older people. It has been characterised by the WHO as 'a controllable pandemic' which all countries need to prepare for and respond to. This presents a challenge for low- and middle-income countries with weaker health and care systems, as well as in countries hosting populations of refugees and displaced people living in camps.

COVID-19: Guidance and advice for older people (Spanish)

This document provides guidance and advice for older people about COVID-19. It gives some basic information on what Covid-19 is and how it is spread, followed by key advice on what older people can do to reduce their risk of catching the virus, and what they should do if they need medical help or support.