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Seven principles for a rights-based public health response to COVID-19

Responses to COVID-19 are an opportunity to protect the lives, dignity and well-being of everyone, everywhere. Human rights provide a framework to strengthen the effectiveness of these responses and can help us assess whether public health measures are appropriate or not. Here are seven principles you can use to assess whether public health measures being suggested or used respect the rights of older people.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Uganda

Uganda has experienced a rapidly changing COVID-19 situation since the virus reached the country in March. The virus initially developed in urban areas and more recently has spread into several rural communities. As of August 26th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases and death from COVID-19 was 2,426 and 22, respectively. Unfortunately, the government does not disaggregate its data by age and gender so a contextual examination of the effect of COVID-19 on the population groups is not available.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Zimbabwe

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause unprecedented socio-economic and health challenges in Zimbabwe. As of the 3rd of August, Zimbabwe had recorded 4,705 COVID-19 cases, 80 deaths and 1,057 recoveries.

COVID-19: Rapid Needs Assessment of older people – Zimbabwe

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented socio-economic and health challenges for older people in Zimbabwe. The crisis has resulted in the breakdown of an already weakened health sector that lacks sufficient medication and medical staff. Limited testing kits and the porous border with South Africa has meant the number of cases is likely to be far higher than reported. To assess the needs of older people in Zimbabwe in more detail, the Center for Community Development Solutions, with support from HelpAge International, conducted a rapid needs assessment in northern and eastern Zimbabwe in June.

COVID-19: Rapid Needs Assessment of older people – Adjumani Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Older people, especially older refugees, remain one of the most at risk groups in Uganda, both from COVID-19 and from pre-existing risks. Uganda hosts the third-largest refugee population in the world, and the largest in Africa. Therefore, to assess the needs of older refugees, HelpAge International conducted a rapid needs assessment in Adjumani Refugee Settlement in northern Uganda on the border with South Sudan in July.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Iraq

In Iraq, COVID-19 has further exacerbated existing economic and insecurity and is putting older people at serious risk. Currently, many older people have had to reduce food intake while others are unable to access their essential medicine. To better understand the emerging needs of older people in Iraq Oxfam and HelpAge International undertook, in June, a multi-sector RNA.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Kenya

With COVID-19 cases increasing and despite easing containment measures, many Kenyans, particularly older people living in Nairobi, remain at serious risk as many have lost their livelihoods and are struggling to meet their basic needs. HelpAge conducted an RNA to highlight the many risks older people face and to provide advocacy messages to humanitarian partners and the Kenyan government.

COVID-19 Rapid Needs Assessment – Philippines

The impacts of COVID-19 are being strongly felt by almost all segments of Philippine society. However, older people are not only more likely to die of COVID-19 but are at also higher risk of abuse and being denied access to resources. To be able to adapt its programming and provide advocacy messages, The Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE) in partnership with HelpAge International undertook a multi-sector RNA in late May 2020.

Lebanon blast: Emergency – Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA)

The two explosions that erupted in Beirut on Tuesday August 4th 2020, killed at least 178 people, with more than 6,000 people injured (as of 13/08/2020). Whilst the current relief efforts have captivated global attention, challenges remain around coordinating vast informal activities of community-based organisations, and the populations' deepened sense of uncertainty and unrest about the future.