We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.
HelpAge Voice Framework_An Introduction
The Voice framework guides action on Voice and illustrates the range of activities that HelpAge and the Global Network are undertaking to strengthening older people's voices.
Voice training_Module four
The ‘Voice training toolkit’ helps strengthen your ability to implement activities that ensure older people are heard at all levels.
Voice training_Module two
The ‘Voice training toolkit’ helps strengthen your ability to implement activities that ensure older people are heard at all levels.
Older people’s income and social protection in Cambodia during COVID-19 and beyond
This report aims to enhance the understanding of the situation of older women and men in Cambodia, particularly relating to poverty, income security and access to social protection before and during COVID-19.
Voice training_ A facilitators guide
The ‘Voice training toolkit’ helps strengthen your ability to implement activities that ensure older people are heard at all levels.
Voice training_Module three
The ‘Voice training toolkit’ helps strengthen your ability to implement activities that ensure older people are heard at all levels.