Older people in disasters and humanitarian crises: guidelines for best practice
These guidelines aim to help relief agencies meet the special needs of older people in emergencies. They also suggest ways to enhance older people's contribution.
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These guidelines aim to help relief agencies meet the special needs of older people in emergencies. They also suggest ways to enhance older people's contribution.
Portuguese translation of Supporting older carers.
French translation of Supporting older carers.
Russian translation of Guidebook for developing and supporting older persons' organisations
Chinese translation of Humanitarian action and older persons: an essential brief for humanitarian actors
Arabic translation of Humanitarian action and older persons: an essential brief for humanitarian actors
This paper was prepared by HelpAge International at the request of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee. It recommends how older people should be included in humanitarian action.
This report looks at the roles of older people in households affected by HIV and AIDS in 15 rural villages in Battambang province, Cambodia.
This report investigates the extent, distribution and nature of chronic poverty among older people in South Africa.
Portugese translation of Non-contributory pensions and poverty prevention: a comparative study of Brazil and South Africa
This report analyses non-contributory pension programmes in Brazil and South Africa, the two developing countries with the largest programmes.
This report is a compilation of research findings on the nutritional needs of older people in general and those in emergency situations.