#OlderNotOver stories

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We want to use #OlderNotOver to show what life is like for people over 60 around the world. We kick off with portraits from Colombia, Kenya and Ukraine.


Rita Duarte / Older Not Over Campaign

Rita, 80, Colombia: 50 years of dedication to older people

HelpAge International wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Rita Duarte – her organisation, Provida, is one of our founding members. Rita co-founded Provida over 50 years ago. Having dedicated her life to older people, her appreciation for them has only increased since she joined their ranks when she turned 60 in 2003.

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as that’s where I believe the key to success lies, for one to have respect and feelings towards those around them.

Rita has always tried to keep up with the times.

I’ve always had a bit of a struggle with technology, but I’ve learned.

Rita hopes to be remembered as a fighter. She’s got some advice to pass on to the next generation.

Fight for everyone and treat others how they should be treated. Have feelings towards those you feel are important and make sure you respect all people.

Ambassador Mary, 74, Kenya: a woman of firsts

There are few people as impressive as Ambassador Mary. While Kenya’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, her office successfully lobbied to increase Kenya World Heritage Sites from three to seven, protecting the country’s natural treasures and putting Kenya very much on the global conservation map. She went on to become Kenya’s first Ambassador to UNESCO.

I earn a living by serving on three different boards and looking to make investments. My hope is that I will have the strength to continue doing what I like.

Life has changed for Ambassador Mary since her retirement, and she embraces the change.

I enjoy the freedom to control my time and make my own decisions. I cherish the absence of a strict daily routine and the ability to spend time with family and loved ones. Life is quite different because I am more relaxed and in control compared to when I was younger.

Her advice to young people is clear:

Be professional, self-respecting, and resilient. Respect positive cultural practices and maintain your dignity.

Older Ukrainians

Mykola, 64, and Nataliia, 65: spreading kindness

Forced to flee their home in Eastern Ukraine due to the Russian full-scale invasion, Mykola, 64, and his wife Nataliia, 65, came to Lviv in Western Ukraine. Luckily, volunteers helped them find shelter, receive aid for their basic needs, and gave them much-needed time to recuperate. This motivated them to go from receiving support to volunteering as social workers for other older people.

Many older people desperately need support but may not know whom to turn to. We know from personal experience how much this means. And this is exactly why we decided to volunteer.


Having gone through the same experience as them, being around the same age, we realised that we are in a unique position to extend the same kindness to others. Why not help people overcome the difficulties we’ve experienced ourselves?

We’re not the only ones realising we’re #OlderNotOver

See some highlights from social media.

Being who you are at 60

Cover star aged 106

Dressing how you want to

Fighting against abuse

Life goes on for Ukraine's older people

Helping people to get their eyesight back