By 2030, one in six of us will be 60 or above.

#OlderNotOver: Join the movement

The world is getting older, rapidly. By 2030, one in six of us will be 60 or above. In countries like Japan and Italy, the figure becomes one in three.

The #OlderNotOver campaign was conceived to transform society’s perception of life after 60. Our mission is to promote a fuller and more authentic portrayal of older people, challenging and dispelling the myths and stereotypes that often overshadow their vibrant and multifaceted lives.

By highlighting the diverse experiences and contributions of older people, #OlderNotOver aims to revolutionize the way they are seen and treated. The campaign also seeks to generate solidarity, empathy, and respect for older people, fostering a community that values their wisdom, resilience, and continued potential.

#OlderNotOver is committed to a positive, yet realistic, representation of ageing. We celebrate the richness of older age in all its glory, embracing both its joys and challenges. Through honest and heartfelt storytelling, we show that life after 60 is not only significant but also filled with new possibilities, growth, and fulfilment.

Join us in redefining ageing and proving that being older is not being over.

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We're #OlderNotOver and we're just getting started!

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Join us in our global movement

We want to celebrate every individual and organisation that joins the #OlderNotOver campaign! If you’d like to be featured, simply sign up below. We will proudly showcase your logo and participation on a dedicated page.

Additionally, we’ll keep you informed whenever we update this page. You’ll receive all the resources you need to demonstrate to your country, community, and colleagues that ageing means being #OlderNotOver.

#OlderNotOver: Sign up now

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