The story of Petros Yakobe Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person, Sitting, Wood The story of Petros Yakobe.He lives with his wife and 2 grandchildren...He belongs to Tiyanjane Club (Older Persons Association). ..The awareness of elderly people’s right by MANEPO from 2017 helped people like Petros Yakobe to benefit from projects taking place in their community through his participation. ..Before 2017 elderly people were never chosen or given any chance in any development activities. But after the awareness, the chief starting choosing elderly people first before the youth for any income generating activity. ..Mr Yakobe was involved in construction of drainage and at the end he was paid some money with which he bought solar panels for electrification of his house. ..This solar panel has made it possible for the family to charge their phones and also listen to the radio daily. ..“I am happy that as elderly people we are now being recognized in our communities and if it wasn’t for MANEPO to educate us on these rights I wouldn’t have been able to buy solar panels.”

MANEPO director appointed to African Commission on Human and People’s Rights


Andrew Kavala, executive director of Malawi Network of Older Persons’ Organisations (MANEPO), a member of the HelpAge global network, has been appointed to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights.  

Andrew will serve a two-year term as an Expert Member of the Technical Working Group on Older Persons and People with Disabilities of the Commission and will be representing the southern Africa region.  

The Working Group plays a critical role in advancing the rights of older people and those with disabilities on the African continent. 

It is a huge honour and opportunity not only for me but for the country and the region as a whole. I will make sure to build strategic synergies across the region towards the creation of an enabling environment for older people and people with disabilities.

Andrew Kavala

MANEPO was established in 2013 and is a consortium of more than 60 civil society organisations working on ageing issues in Malawi. Their work is primarily focused on income security, health and care, abuse and discrimination, and advocacy, but also works on gender, disability and disaster risk reduction. In its advocacy work, MANEPO has been campaigning for age-friendly health services and for the introduction of a universal pension for all older people in Malawi. The organisation has recently been instrumental in passing the Older Person’s Bill in Malawi. 

MANEPO joined the HelpAge global network in 2018, and since then we have been working closely together, particularly on the AFFORD project that aims to achieve income security for older people across Malawi. Thanks to the AFFORD project’s outstanding progress, a fourth phase of funding has been approved this year to further the work, now known as the ROAR project. 

Andrew also serves as the Commissioner of the Malawi Human Rights Commission. He is currently studying for a PhD in Social Science with Ageing and Development at Northwest University in South Africa.


I am thrilled to congratulate Andrew on this well-deserved appointment. This prestigious role is a testament to Andrew's unwavering dedication and the impactful work of MANEPO in advancing the rights and well-being of older people across Malawi. We are proud to have such a visionary leader representing the HelpAge global network on this important platform. I have no doubt that Andrew’s expertise and passion will significantly contribute to the Commission’s work over the next two years.

Cherian Mathews, CEO HelpAge International

The food, fuel, finance crisis: Malawi under the spotlight

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Malawi was classified as a low-income country – almost 74 per cent of Malawians live below the national poverty line.

Malawi has also been affected by global food price increases due to the pandemic, as well as the impact of the Russia – Ukraine war.

All these factors have contributed to older Malawians’ well-being taking a severe hit.

Read more here.