Letter to the members of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing

Open letter to the members of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing from the CEO of HelpAge International, Cherian Matthews.


Dear Members of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing,

The future of the rights of older people all over the world, is in your hands, and I’d like to thank you for your efforts over the years in promoting the protection of their rights and wellbeing.

We are encouraged by the revised Zero Draft recommendations on the gaps in the human rights framework and how best to fill them, along with the almost 200 members of the HelpAge global network, we celebrated that a legally binding instrument on the rights of older persons was included among the possible options. This is a crucial step towards filling existing gaps in international human rights law.

But the time for you to act swiftly and decisively is now, to ensure that an international legally binding instrument becomes a reality, and to also ensure the protection and promotion of the rights of older people worldwide.

We are deeply concerned by the prolonged period of discussions and deliberations without any tangible progress towards drafting such an instrument. It’s been 13 years and counting. While dialogue and debate are essential components of any policymaking process, there comes a point where action must take priority over talking.

Therefore, we urge you to answer our call for action and prioritise concrete next steps towards the drafting of an international legally binding instrument on the rights of older persons this May. The need for such an instrument is undeniable, and now is the time to seize the opportunity to make meaningful progress towards safeguarding the rights and dignity of all older people globally.

You must not allow bureaucratic obstacles or political inactivity to hinder progress on this immensely important issue. The rights of older people are fundamental human rights that must be upheld and protected without any further delay. Do not turn this into 14 years of nothingness. By taking decisive action to draft an international legally binding instrument, you will send a powerful message of solidarity and commitment to the millions of older people around the world who deserve to live with dignity, respect, and equality.

Now is the time to stop talking and start drafting!


Cherian Mathews / CEO HelpAge International