Horrific attack on older people’s home in Ukraine

HelpAge statement


Russia’s attack on an older people’s home in Sumy in the northeast of Ukraine is a horrific example of how some of the most vulnerable are being impacted by this ongoing conflict.

One person died and almost 150 people were evacuated from what should have been a place of safety.

“This attack is a harsh reminder of the dangers older people are facing every day in this protracted crisis, especially in high-risk areas where they make up an even larger part of the population, says Timothy Bainbridge, Country Director of HelpAge International in Ukraine.

“The safety, health, dignity and care of older people must be prioritised by government agencies and the humanitarian sector, whether they remain in place or are evacuated,”

Addressing the urgent medical and psychosocial needs, as well as ensuring they are relocated to safe, accessible spaces where they can receive proper care is vital to preserving their health and dignity. We commend the tireless efforts of first responders and aid workers who are supporting older people in the aftermath of this attack.

Since the start of the full-scale invasion, the number of people placed in already overcrowded homes for older people and people with disabilities has significantly increased. HelpAge International is committed to providing support to older people in the regions where we work to ensure their safety and access to community-based services. We are also closely cooperating with local and international partners to further support and advocate for their rights in the face of the ongoing war and displacement.

War in Ukraine

We have been present in Ukraine since 2014 and are supporting older people affected by the war.

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