
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

HelpAge steps up response to Haiti cholera outbreak

HelpAge International has deployed over 200 staff and volunteers to eight communes in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince to work in cholera prevention with at-risk communities. These include nurses, community support workers and volunteer home-based carers.

CEDAW adopts general recommendation on the rights of older women

In a major step forward in the protection of older women’s rights, the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee has adopted a new general recommendation on the rights of older women.

Cholera outbreak in Haiti – What we’re doing

In Haiti, at least 250 people have died and over 3,000 cases of cholera have been confirmed. As a result, HelpAge’s health teams are rapidly stepping-up services in camps where we work with older people.