
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

DEC Syria Crisis Appeal raises £5 million

Leading British charities – including HelpAge sister organisation, Age International – have launched a public fundraising appeal to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by the conflict in Syria.

Experts on ageing attend post-2015 High-level Panel meeting in Bali

The UN High-level Panel on the post-2015 development agenda is meeting this week on the Indonesian island of Bali. This is the fourth meeting of the panel, which later this year will deliver a key report with recommendations for a future development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals after 2015. The main focus for the meeting in Bali is the role of global partnerships for development.

Syria crisis: Two years on

Two years after the conflict in Syria began, 70,000 people are dead, two are million internally displaced and in excess of one million are refugees. HelpAge International is currently collaborating with Handicap International on its response to the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan.

India agrees on universal pension

The Government of India has made an unprecedented commitment to improve the Indira Ghandi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) and ensure every older person receives a pension.

HelpAge and Handicap International support vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon

HelpAge International is currently collaborating with Handicap International on its response to the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. We are using our joint expertise to identify the needs of the most vulnerable groups affected by the conflict in Syria, including older people and people with disabilities, to ensure their access to essential relief services, and to look at the best ways of providing further assistance to them.