
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

HelpAge calls for recognition of ageing at the United Nations

This week our Interim CEO, Silvia Stefanoni and Social Protection Adviser, Andrea McPherson, are attending and speaking at the meeting of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG) at the United Nations in New York.

A global “data revolution” will tackle inequality head on

New research we have conducted reveals how a few simple adjustments to standard international household surveys routinely used to collect population data could help us tackle inequality by ensuring global poverty data gives a true picture of the lives of millions of vulnerable people around the world.

Post-2015 High-level Panel fails to address the challenges of rapid population ageing

Last night, the UN High-level Panel on the post-2015 development process published its long-awaited report which sets out recommendations for a new global and universal development framework beyond the Millennium Development Goals, which expire in 2015. In a world where there will soon be more people over 60 than under 10, any new global development framework needs to address population ageing and its consequences.

One year on, EU falls short on promise to Palestinians

A year after all 27 EU countries committed to challenging settlement expansion, forced displacement, and demolition of Palestinian property in an unprecedented Foreign Affairs Council statement, approvals for illegal settlements have increased and hundreds of Palestinian homes and structures have been bulldozed despite EU saying this must stop.

Open letter from the HelpAge European network to EU ministers

As EU ministers continue to develop their thinking at the EU level on a global post-2015 framework ahead of the UN Special Event in September 2013, the HelpAge European network writes collectively to call on you to ensure that a future framework reflects demographic realities in the world and is fully inclusive of people of all ages.