
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

Older people disproportionately affected by Typhoon Haiyan

HelpAge International’s analysis of the latest data from the Philippines suggests that almost two fifths of people killed by Typhoon Haiyan were over the age of 60 - despite the fact that this age group makes up only 8% of the general population in the worst affected areas.

HelpAge network calls for a post-2015 framework for all ages

Today, representatives from HelpAge’s EU network are attending the European Development Days (EDDs) in Brussels. This year, the event has a particular focus on the post-2015 agenda – the ongoing process to discuss and agree a single universal framework for sustainable development after 2015.

More action needed to eliminate violence against older women

Today, the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is observed worldwide to raise awareness of the many issues women face. For the first time the urgency of action on violence that women of all ages and abilities suffer in humanitarian context was recognised at a High Level Panel meeting in the UK this month.

Typhoon Haiyan: Aid is reaching those affected in the Philippines

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), a group of 14 UK aid organisations has today said that lifesaving aid is on its way to survivors of Typhoon Haiyan; despite obstacles including impassable roads, closed ports and increasing security concerns.

DEC agencies announce Philippines Typhoon Emergency Appeal in UK

Leading British charities – including HelpAge International’s sister organisation, Age International – have launched a public fundraising appeal to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Age International and HelpAge International Philippines Response – Typhoon Haiyan

HelpAge International is already on the ground with its local partner, the Coalition of Services of the Elderly COSE, to support older people affected by the trail of devastation across the Philippines. The emergency relief work is funded by HelpAge’s UK partner, Age International, which is also a member of the Age UK network.

Philippines: HelpAge and partners respond to Typhoon Haiyan

Super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the strongest ever recorded, is battering central areas of the Philippines with winds of up to 320 kilometres per hour. Waves 15 metres tall have been seen around the coast, and there has been up to 400 millimetres of rain in some places.

HelpAge welcomes new UNAIDS report on HIV and ageing

On 1 November, UNAIDS published a landmark report on HIV and ageing. The report provides the first global estimates since 2006 on the number of people aged 50 and over living with HIV and the proportion of all people living with the virus they constitute. The estimates are the first ever regional estimates on number of older people living with HIV.