HelpAge prepares for Typhoon Hagupit
Tens of thousands are seeking shelter as Typhoon Hagupit, local name Ruby, heads towards the Philippines.
Tens of thousands are seeking shelter as Typhoon Hagupit, local name Ruby, heads towards the Philippines.
Today, the United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Ms Rosa Kornfeld-Matte, will start her first official country visit to Slovenia to assess the human rights situation of older people in the country.
Older people have been key to helping 150,000 people recover from Typhoon Haiyan, says our new joint report with the Coalition of Services of the Elderly, released today, one year on from when the typhoon struck the Philippines.
Older people have been key to helping 150,000 people recover from Typhoon Haiyan, says a new report released today by HelpAge International and the Coalition of Services of the Elderly.
On November 11, 2014, over 40 leaders from across Latin America, including the banking, microfinance, academic, and aging advocacy sectors, will join together in Bogota, Colombia for a roundtable on the topic of Aging and Financial Inclusion.
On 28-29 October, HelpAge International and HelpAge Deutschland, with Allianz, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and GIZ are hosting a conference on the legacy of the world’s first pension and the future of pensions in Berlin.
Berlin, October, 2014 – On the 125th anniversary of Otto von Bismarck’s creation of the world’s first state pension, a conference assessing his international legacy and the future of pensions globally will be held in Berlin.
Jonglei State has the highest number of internally displaced people and the highest level of food insecurity and malnutrition in famine-threatened South Sudan, according to a joint assessment by HelpAge International and Islamic Relief Worldwide.
The killing of older people on alleged witchcraft accusation has been going on for many years. Although it is believed that belief in witchcraft is widespread in Tanzania cutting across societies, class and regions, in the past years this practice was reported to be more practiced in Shinyanga and the Lake zone region.
13 October 2014, The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and HelpAge International today issued a joint call for greater involvement of older persons in disaster management efforts worldwide in order to bring down death tolls among those over 60.
On 13 October, International Day for Disaster Reduction, HelpAge and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) issued a joint call for greater involvement of older people in disaster management efforts worldwide.
Today, the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, HelpAge International is launching the Global AgeWatch Index 2014. The Index ranks 96 countries according to the wellbeing of older people in four key domains: income security, health, personal capability and enabling environments.