Ukraine crisis has huge impact on older people
The population of older and disabled internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ukraine have been particularly affected by this crisis and face specific challenges, contributing to their vulnerability.
The population of older and disabled internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ukraine have been particularly affected by this crisis and face specific challenges, contributing to their vulnerability.
New report examines the unmet financial needs of older people, particularly in Latin America, and charges policymakers and financial services providers to consider older people as an increasingly important market segment.
Today, our UK partner Age International is launching a new publication “Facing the facts: the truth about ageing and development” which brings together expert opinion on the trends, challenges and opportunities presented by a global ageing population.
In 2050, just 35 years’ time, there will be more older people worldwide (aged 60 and over) than children under 16 for the first time in history. Today, almost two-thirds (62%) of the 868 million people in the world aged over 60 live in developing countries; this proportion is expected to increase to 80% in 2050.
HelpAge International is joining Action/2015, a global citizen’s movement, to call on leaders to raise their ambitions for a fairer world for all ages in 2015; the year that two United Nations summits can change the course of history.
HelpAge International is joining action/2015, a global citizen’s movement, to call on leaders to raise their ambitions for a fairer world for all ages in 2015; the year that two United Nations summits can change the course of history.
Five years on from the earthquake in Haiti that killed 230,000 people, at least a thousand older people have been moved into new homes and 16 older people’s associations are now up and running, providing long term support, created by HelpAge International.
Five years on from the earthquake in Haiti that killed 230,000 people, at least a thousand older people have been moved into new homes and 16 older people’s associations are now up and running, providing long term support, created by HelpAge International.
We’re marking Human Rights Day, 10 December, with a renewed call for governments to challenge the wide range of human rights violations experienced every day by many older women and men.
On 10 December 2014, Human Rights Day, HelpAge International is marking the occasion with a renewed call for governments to challenge the wide range of human rights violations experienced every day by many older women and men.
Tropical storm Hagupit is heading to Manila, but has been downgraded from a typhoon after crossing the country.