
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

World AIDS Day: The ageing of HIV

A fast track approach is needed to address the rapid ageing of the AIDS epidemic and the needs of people living with HIV in older age, says HelpAge International.

Overstretched and underfunded refugee camps put over 110,000 Burundians in Tanzania at risk, as potential influx and heavy rains loom large, aid agencies warn

Health and shelter for Burundian refugees in Tanzania are poised to get worse in already overstretched camps, the aid agencies Oxfam, Help Age International, Plan International, Save the Children, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) warned today, if there is an increased influx of refugees across the border.

Nepal fuel crisis hampers earthquake relief efforts

Six months on from the Nepal earthquake, relief efforts are being hampered by a severe fuel crisis, leaving more than 400,000 people without adequate shelter and supplies as winter approaches. HelpAge International has provided shelter kits, cash and health care to some of the neediest older people in the worst hit areas but fuel shortages are slowing down relief efforts.