
For more information contact:

Susanna Flood, Head of Communications

Tel: +44 20 7278 7778

Toby Porter to step down as Chief Executive of HelpAge International

After three years as Chief Executive of HelpAge International, Toby Porter will be leaving in September to become the Chief Executive of Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust. Justin Derbyshire, Director of Programmes of HelpAge International, will take over as interim Chief Executive from September. Plans for the transition process are already underway. The Board of HelpAge International, chaired by Arun Maira, will begin a global search to recruit Toby’s successor.

Who will listen to the older voices in humanitarian crises?

More than two-thirds of older refugees in HelpAge’s report Older voices in humanitarian crises said they did not have enough information about the humanitarian assistance available to them. Almost half said health services did not provide care for their age-related conditions, and a similar figure said they felt anxious, hopeless or depressed most or all of the time.

Rising from the rubble: Nepal earthquake one year on

At 11.56am local time, one year ago today, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. Nearly 9,000 people were killed by the tremors, with more than 22,000 left injured. Whole villages were flattened and some 605,000 homes were left destroyed.