Humanitarian disaster looming ahead of rainy season in Renk in South Sudan
Urgent action is needed on the border of South Sudan and Sudan to avert a humanitarian disaster before the rainy season arrives says HelpAge International today.
Urgent action is needed on the border of South Sudan and Sudan to avert a humanitarian disaster before the rainy season arrives says HelpAge International today.
70-year-old Lyudmila is a social care worker in eastern Ukraine. In addition to talking about her own experience, she echoes the thoughts of the people she has worked with.
During World Vaccination Week, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a global call to catch up on vaccines missed due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social pensions can help provide a much-needed safety net for older people who may otherwise be left without any income.
Older people selling assets or even begging on the street to survive.
After seven years as Chief Executive of HelpAge International, Justin Derbyshire resigned from the organisation.
A global food, fuel and finance crisis is resulting in millions of people being driven into poverty and hunger, affecting populations worldwide.
Lebanon is facing its worst crisis in the 21st century
HelpAge International has ranked fourth out of a group of 73 not-for-profit organisations in the FAIR SHARE Index which measures the number of women in leadership roles across the sector.
By Camilla Williamson, Global Healthy Ageing Adviser at HelpAge International. Our health and our access to services that support our health are central to our wellbeing and our ability to do the things that matter to us.
Yemen experiencing the aftermath of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.
As Cyclone Freddy tore through Malawi, its heavy rains and fierce winds left a trail of destruction in its wake. Among the hardest hit were older people, who now find themselves grappling with the loss of their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones.