South-East Asia

Learn about HelpAge Network members in South-East Asia.


HelpAge Cambodia

HelpAge Cambodia started its operation as a Country Programme Office of HelpAge International in 1991, initially undertaking humanitarian relief work in response to Cambodian refugees repatriating from Thai-border camps; before transitioning to community development work in 1998.

For over 20 years, HelpAge Cambodia has worked with older people in Cambodia through older people’s associations. These associations are a proven safety net mechanism endorsed by the Royal Government of Cambodia to address social and welfare protection needs of older people.

Since 2011, HelpAge Cambodia has undergone a transition from HelpAge International country office to a fully localised national NGO; and successfully registered with the Cambodian Ministry of Interior in December 2012. Their key areas of work still include working with older people’s associations to support the older population and their families to improve their livelihoods and well-being through sustainable community development.

HAC is a national leader in ageing issues and works closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia, including several central ministries and provincial departments, to support old-age inclusion in their programming and policy efforts. HAC also lead the national ADA campaign.

HelpAge Cambodia became HelpAge global network member in 2014.


Yayasan Emong Lansia

Yayasan Emong Lansia (YEL) was established in 1996 by the HelpAge network. Their vision is an Indonesia with happy, healthy, active and independent older people.

Based in Jakarta, YEL has established a Training Centre on Ageing to provide local and national training for those caring for older people. YEL also works to raise funds to assist disadvantaged older people through social welfare and healthcare. For example, they provide basic healthcare for sick older people in their homes.

YEL’s Home Care Project was appointed by HelpAge Korea to run a pilot project in 2004. YEL also publish a quarterly magazine “Gerbang Lansia” to provide information about older people’s needs.

In 2012, YEL participated in the first ever Age Demands Action on Health. Campaigners met the Minister of Health to ask for more trained community health workers for older people.


The National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia

The National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia (NACSCOM) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1990. 48 senior citizen associations are members with a total of 18,000 members. NACSCOM advocates for policies and services to enhance older people’s wellbeing in Malaysia.

NACSCOM is a member of the National Advisory and Consultative Council on Ageing, the Council of Health for the Elderly and of several ageing organisations, including HelpAge International.

NACSCOM has attended conferences such as the Bali Regional Conferences on Ageing. A group of people aged 70 and over were invited to discuss issues such as income security and health services.

Finally, NACSCOM has established two care homes to provide for older people and four day centres where older people can socialise. NACSCOM has been working with HelpAge International since 1992 and became HelpAge global network member in 2004.


HelpAge Myanmar

HelpAge Myanmar works hard to improve older people’s lives by ensuring they have access to health and care services, and a regular, reliable income. Find out more about the work of HelpAge in Myanmar here.


Coalition of Services of the Elderly

Founded in 1989, the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE) bases its mission on the tradition of respecting older people and supporting community-based programmes. The Coalition helps older people to continue living in their communities and contributing to the lives of others.

In 1998, COSE launched an initiative to empower older people to gain respect and organise themselves. These groups of older people have also organised income generating projects. One project involved older people making a balm from natural ingredients, which proved to be a great success.

COSE actively participates in Age Demands Action and in 2011 HelpAge invited COSE to the UN Open Ended Working Group on Ageing in New York to talk to country delegates about older people’s right to health.

COSE has been working with HelpAge International since 1991 and became a HelpAge global network member in 2004.


Society for Women’s Initiative for Ageing Successfully

The Society for Women’s Initiative for Ageing Successfully (Society for WINGS) is a non-profit education centre. It was founded in 2006, as a joint project between the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations and the Tsao Foundation.

The organisation became independent in 2007 and is now a registered charity which works with all religious, ethnic and community groups to help older women age actively. The society educates older people in health and happiness, as well as supporting or providing activities to help older people earn an income.

They offer financial and health advice and organise workshops on financial security, support groups and training in IT skills and English.

Society of WINGS also works on the Bond Workbook project. This is an interactive book that grandparents and children can both use and therefore spend quality time together.

Tsao Foundation

Established in 1993, the Tsao Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of older people by alleviating the hardships of ageing. The Tsao Foundation provides community-based health services, promotes successful ageing and pioneers new approaches to ageing and care of older people in Singapore. It also aims to influence policy.

The foundation has set up a comprehensive, community-based primary healthcare system, the Hua Mei Community Health Services, to ensure that older people have access to quality healthcare. The foundations’ health centres provide dementia care training for professionals and family caregivers.

The health centres also offer training on the emotional aspects of caring for an older person, including effective communication skills. Bridging the generation gap, grief, loss, death and dying are other topics covered.

Tsao Foundation has been working with HelpAge International since 1996 and became a HelpAge global network member in 2004.


Foundation for Older Persons Development

Established in 1997, the Foundation for Older Persons Development (FOPDEV) enhances the wellbeing of older people, especially those in need of care.

FOPDEV and HelpAge have worked together on a number of projects, including the Support a Grandparent scheme, which helps disadvantaged older people earn a living, be independent and contribute to their community. FOPDEV also participates in the Age Demands Action campaign.

FOPDEV trains volunteer home-helpers in Thailand to encourage older people to live independently and support caregivers. This is a part of a joint initiative between The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Republic of Korea.

FOPDEV provided evidence for the inclusion of older people in Thailand’s national Strategic Plan on AIDS Prevention 2007-11. They continue to support older people affected by HIV and AIDS.

FOPDEV has been working with HelpAge International since 2001 and became a HelpAge global network member in 2004.

Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation

Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO established in 2007 to provide aid for displaced people living along the Thai-Myanmar border. The foundation is involved in helping people of all ages.

It seeks to address the underlying causes of poverty, discrimination and violence, focuses on five key areas: education, youth, health, community development, and child protection. The foundation addresses social issues such as drug abuse and forced labour through education runs programmes promoting nutrition and sanitation.

Senior Citizen Council of Thailand

Senior Citizen Council of Thailand (SCCT) acts as a coordinator for organisations and institutions working to promote and improve wellbeing for older people in Thailand.

SCCT has worked with older people through the formation and development of older people’s associations at the community level across the country. These organisations aim to improve the living conditions for older people and the development of their communities.


Center for Ageing Support and Community Development (CASCD)

The Center for Ageing Support and Community Development (CASCD) was established in 1991 as a non-profit, non-government organisation under the Vietnam Red Cross Society.

CASCD’s mission is to promote humanitarian support and responsible community development. It works primarily with older people and disadvantaged people, such as those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, poor women effected by conflict, and people with disabilities and mental health problems.

CASCD works to promote home care and community care for older people and vulnerable groups through both paid and volunteer-based programmes and inter-generational self-help clubs. It also promotes ageing issues and advocates for older people’s rights.

CASCD became a HelpAge global network member in 2010.

HelpAge International, Vietnam

Throughout Vietnam HelpAge helps set up older people’s associations and intergenerational self-help clubs that provide a hub for older men and women in communities. Find out more about the work of HelpAge in Vietnam here.

Vietnam Association of Elderly

Vietnam Association of Elderly (VAE) was founded in 1995 and is an organisation of six million members participating in 13,000 grassroots associations of older people in Vietnam.

The grassroots associations provide various services to older people including health checks and recreational activities. VAE is primarily responsible for policy and advocacy work.