Asma Akbar is HelpAge's Country Programme Manager for Pakistan. Since the floods, she has visited Nowshera District, one of the worst affected regions, to assess the needs of older people, like Nabi Bakash, 64, pictured here: "We've spoken to...

HelpAge preparing relief packages for older people in Pakistan



Asma Akbar

 _250_ Akbar is HelpAge’s Country Programme Manager for Pakistan. 

Since the floods, she has visited Nowshera District, one of the worst affected regions, to assess the needs of older people, like Nabi Bakash, 64, pictured here:

“We’ve spoken to so many older people over the last few days.

“Nazgina Begum, 71, has no shelter or food and his shop was totally destroyed. Tahseen Ulah, a 68-year-old retired accountant was still seeking food after four days in a makeshift camp that had no water or sanitation facilities. His home was swept away along with his cows, his main source of income.

All they have are the clothes they’re wearing

“So many people we have spoken to have told us that they tried to save their most valuable belongings from the floods – maybe a rug, or their livestock. Some succeeded, others didn’t.

“For many, all they have are the clothes they’re wearing. That is why we are quickly putting together 2,000 new water resistant bags, which we call “parachute bags”. They contain sheets, umbrellas, a shawl, (because the cold season will start soon) and shalwar kameez for both men and women.

“We’re also including dates in this package for the breaking of the fast (Ramadan starts this week), and some wheat rusks which are easier for older people with digestive problems.”

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Read more about HelpAge’s work in Pakistan