Generosa Macaiba is an ADA activist who works for the Coalition of Services for the Elderly in the Philippines. Here she talks about ADA 2008: ADA 2008 was great for us in the Philippines! 1600 older persons marched to...

Age Demands Action campaign belongs to older people



Generosa Macaiba

 _688_ Macaiba is an ADA activist who works for the Coalition of Services for the Elderly in the Philippines. Here she talks about ADA 2008:

ADA 2008 was great for us in the Philippines! 1600 older persons marched to Congress holding placards and filled the session halls asking leaders to take immediate action by introducing a pension to help older people.

We have participated since the first ADA campaign in 2007 when the idea of a pension for older people was merely a dream. But now, thanks to the passionate campaigning of older people for three years, it was announced in February this year that a pension of 500 Pesos is being introduced! We are delighted!

This campaign belongs to older people

Older people play a huge part in planning our ADA activities. It is the older people who own the campaign. It is the older people themselves who meet the leaders and speak about the changes they want to see. This means that older people gain confidence and feel listened to and included.

Older people are crucial to society

The role of older people in society is very, very crucial. If we lost older people, we would lose both history and tradition. Older people have wisdom. They contribute a huge amount to society.

That’s why I think Age Demands Action!

Listen to the full story here:

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