
Age Demands Action campaign belongs to older people

Generosa Macaiba is an ADA activist who works for the Coalition of Services for the Elderly in the Philippines. Here she talks about ADA 2008: ADA 2008 was great for us in the Philippines! 1600 older persons marched to...

Shining a light on life in the camps

Life in the camps around Port-au-Prince is tough for those affected by the 12 January Haiti earthquake. No electricity, no light, nothing to do. Day after day the same routine. We will be doing as much as we can...

“I am old but still strong”

Edna Mbesa is an Age Demands Action activist who works for Muthande Society in South Africa. Here she talks about their ADA activities: "Last year was an amazing one for us in South Africa as we all went and...

Age Demands Action in Africa

From Sierra Leone, to Ghana, to Tanzania, campaigners have shown their support for Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by joining together and raising their index fingers at 1pm on 1 October - but they didn't...

Older people take a stand in Latin America

Older people stood up for their rights in Latin America ADA activists across Latin America are taking a stand against age discrimination. Last year, in Bolivia, older people marched through the cities to show their government that they are...

ADA campaigners take action across the Caribbean

Right across the Caribbean from Jamaica to Dominica, older people have been making governments sit up and take notice! Raising awareness of older people's rights In Jamaica, 300 older people marked 1 October with a procession through the capital...

ADA activists take action in Asia

Right across the Asia Pacific region, the inspiring campaigning efforts of Age Demands Action activists have made national governments sit up and listen! Older people from Cambodia, to Fiji, to Thailand and the Philippines have met the decision makers,...

Why, at 62, I am still in humanitarian aid work

Margaret Chilcott (pictured right), 62, is an Emergency Programme Coordinator for HelpAge International: "Why, at 62, am I still in humanitarian aid work? I guess the simple answer is that I can. "I am still active, can keep up...