
Older women are critical to achieving the MDGs

Older women are critical to achieving the MDGs, so why are they discriminated against by society - and by development targets? The Millennium Declaration on which the MDGs are all based, pledged "to promote gender equality and the empowerment...

Devastation in Nowshera

The Polytechnic near Risalpur in Nowshera accommodates several villages these days. We interviewed the older people including Sultana and Mulak Aman (below) who were living in the camps there who told us their stories. Sultana Bibi (right) was punched...

Older people are the roots of the trees

Bertin Meance is the Recovery Coordinator for HelpAge International in Haiti and an Age Demands Action (ADA) activist. Here, he talks about the preparations for the campaign in Haiti: More than 700 older people joined forces "In preparation for...

“Age Demands Action survey was a great experience”

Tima Suale is an Age Demands Action activist working for HelpAge Mozambique. Here, she explains how she took part in our survey about people's perspectives on ageing in the country: "We did the ADA survey in Mozambique in nine...

Blanket coverage for Eid, as temperatures plummet

Two days into the trip and I have diarrhoea and a growing sense of futility at the scale of the task ahead which is only tempered by the fact that I know to do nothing would be criminal. Anything...

Floods, mud and desperate measures

Back in Pakistan to support our team here. Ten minutes to landing at Sukkur airport in Sindh province and as far as the eye can see, which is pretty far at 6,000ft, the ground is covered with water. Only...

Older people in the Caribbean demand change

Age Demands Action is set to be even bigger and better in the Caribbean this year with activities being planned in Jamaica, Dominica, Haiti and, for the first time, Belize! Older people make their voices heard Older campaigners are...

Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new website! We are thrilled to be launching a brand new We hope the clear, clean design appeals to you, that it’s easy for you to find what you’re looking for, and that you are...