
Blog Action Day 2010: Stagnant water but active minds

Over 29 million readers and 3,000 blogs in 129 countries are all talking about one issue today: Water. For this year's Blog Action Day, the question is clear: Why do almost a billion people have no access to clean,...

Kyrgyzstan: Inspirational response to a serious emergency

I am in Kyrgyzstan at the moment, visiting our Regional Development Centre and seeing the work we carry out through our programmes. In June this year, around one million people were affected by violence in Kyrgyzstan, in particular in...

Decent Work Day: Don’t forget the older working poor!

On 7 October, millions of workers across the globe will be uniting to celebrate the World Day for Decent Work. It's a key moment. The financial crisis has decimated jobs and economies and social unrest is rising. Leaders the...

Winter is coming in Kyrgyzstan

Tempers flared today when Temirbaera and her older people's group met with the village council to ask for fuel - heating their houses is a big worry as they face a Kyrgyz winter. "We have to use dung for...

Pakistan: Finding hope in despair

80-year-old Syed Talan Muhammad (pictured, centre) was paralysed long before the floods affected his village and destroyed his home. He lives in a village called Naway Kalay and has four sons and one daughter. At the moment, he lives...

Age Demands Action documentary airs in Jamaica!

Kenneth Hemley, 70 "This is what I think about the Age Demands Action activities and the documentary on Friday morning (1st October) on CVM Television, Jamaica. We made a good start in informing the government of our plight The...

Age Demands Action kicks off in Kenya!

What a great day! What a great day. We left Misiani quite early in the morning. By 5:30 am, we were on the way to Nairobi. As expected, the traffic was heavy, but we eventually got to Uhuru Park...

Meet an Age Demands Activist in Kenya

This year, I am very excited to be picked as the spokesperson for Age Demands Action. I took part last year and we feel we got our point across. This year, I am in the delegation going to the...

Happy International Day of Older Persons!

Older people, HelpAge International staff and supporters from around the world have been busy taking part in our annual Age Demands Action (ADA) campaign today, where older people march and lobby politicans to demand they are not excluded from...