
Ageing in the media: Health and food in South Asia

This week I continue with Rosaleen's quest for positive stories on ageing in the media. I spend a large part of my work day going through articles, blogs and alerts and it can be disheartening. Older people aren't necessarily...

Tackling hunger in old age

Why are so many older women and men going hungry? Older people are key producers and providers of food. Both older women and men work on the land. A high proportion of small farmers in developing countries are older...

People go first at the UN

I am currently at the Commission for Social Development, held at the UN in New York. It's looking a little old on the outside, the paving stones are broken, the 1950s interior has lost much of its glamour and...

Longer lives “a call to action” for the 21st Century

Is the world beginning to take notice of global ageing? The message that extended life expectancy, falling fertility rates and accelerating ageing are now truly global phenomena seems to be getting a wider hearing, and in the past few...

Rains lift older people of the Thar desert

Rains are rare in Thar Desert of India. Not often does one see lush green landscape, freshly filled ponds and rivulets. In the absence or shortage of rains, Thar is usually not a pretty sight. Barren and brown, lifeless...