
Pakistan floods: One year on

It may seem utterly inappropriate to throw a party to mark the anniversary of the cataclysmic flooding in Pakistan last July. Nevertheless, during a brief visit the week before last, I was able to join the HelpAge team there...

East Africa crisis: “Who will believe them?

Jonathan Clayton, The Times Africa correspondent, criticised aid agencies for overstating the effects of the east Africa crisis when he wrote: "This month we have been told that East Africa, including Kenya and Uganda, where virtually anything grows and..

Lasting impressions of an inspiring trip to Kenya

This June, I spent a day with my son and his wife, amidst a team dedicated to empowering older people in a poor area of Kenya. I was visiting a project as part of my job working for Age...

East Africa crisis: Who’s crying wolf?

The drought began about a year ago with the last rains falling in autumn 2010. One cause of the drought is the climatic effect of La Nina phenomenon. La Nina drives away moisture, leaving drought and hardship in its...

IMF: “Integrating ageing into all aspects of development”

The current edition of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Finance and Development is looking at the implications of population ageing. The video accompanying the report makes strong recommendations for steps to consider, which include "integrating ag

East Africa drought : Older people are left behind

It is obvious from observations in Borana and Moyale districts in southern Ethiopia that older people are bearing the brunt of the lack of rains in the region. We met a number of older people, women and children in...