
Rights of older women in Africa raised at the UN

The abuse of women's rights in Africa is an issue which is very close to my heart. Abuse against older women is common across Africa and in African communities abroad, yet it receives very little attention. People give many...

Kyrgyzstan: Marking World Humanitarian Day in photos

To celebrate World Humanitarian Day last week, the Crisis Communications Group opened a photo exhibition in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. World Humanitarian Day is an oppotunity for humanitarian aid workers to renew their commitment to helping vulnerable a

Fiji government welcomes MIPAA

This week, HelpAge affiliate, Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) met with their minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation, Dr Jiko Luveni as well as the permanent secretary, Mr. Govind Sami to present the Madrid International Plan...

World Humanitarian Day: The uncelebrated humanitarians

As societies change and the complexity of our world increases, more pressure and strain is put on traditional family structures. However, as these structures crumble, one thing that has not changed is the unbreakable bond between child and grandparent....

East Africa crisis: Living on the edge

I have just got back from Ethiopia, a country close to me, having worked there in my formative years for Save the Children. I travelled there with Tom Wright, CEO of our sister organisation, Age UK. On our short...

Age Demands Action : The excitement is building up!

It is 8:00 am and as I rush up to the third floor of my office building the first thing that comes to my mind is the countdown to 1 October, the International Day of Older People. With less...

Protesting against elder abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was in June. To mark the occasion, KARIKA, an organisation concerned with the effects of HIV and AIDS on older Kenyans, sponsored a one day procession and rally. KARIKA is an acronym for Kenyan...