
Action in Europe: EU countries get ready for ADA

Ageing will be well and truly in the EU spotlight next year. 2012 is the European year of Action on Ageing and it is therefore only fitting that Age Demands Action (ADA) has really taken off in Europe this...

World Alzheimer’s Day 2011: Guest blog by Marc Wortmann

Marc Wortmann is Executive director of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). He was a member of the Parliament of Province of Utrecht, working closely with various charities and voluntary organisations. Mr Wortmann was Executive Director of Alzheimer N

Non-communicable diseases: UN meeting failed to set targets

Around 75% of the 35 million people who die from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide are people aged 60 and over, the majority of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. The rapid increase predicted in the number of older...

Stories of resilience from Aguablanca

I was over the moon to hear that my first trip with HelpAge would be to "mi querida Colombia!" With Colombia, initial thoughts turn to Mafioso-style drug barons, kidnappings and a brutal armed conflict that fuels the world's drug...

The best yet! ADA 2011 in East Asia and Pacific

It's less than a month until this year's Age Demands Action campaign culminates on 1 October and the excitement here in the East Asia and Pacific region is really building. From Cambodia to South Korea, ADA is taking place...

Fighting for rights and bringing generations together in Gaza

To many people, the Middle East is fascinating and terrifying in equal measures. The issues surrounding the region are so complex and controversial; you tend to forget it is a real place, full of real people struggling to go...