
Livelihoods grants: Does size matter?

At HelpAge, we work to ensure all older people have a regular and predictable income. However, we found recently in Pakistan that the US$180 grants we were giving older people to restart their livelihoods, were too small to be...

The rhythm and soul of ADA 2011

“In all my life, this has been the first time I have met the authorities in my country.” R merjuste Fremont, 109, Haiti. As the only globally coordinated movement led by older people that enables their voices to be...

The Great Ethiopian Run

Since the year 2000, November has become a special month for Ethiopians around the world. Why? Because of the Great Ethiopian Run. This yearly race brings together thousands of people from Ethiopia and abroad for the same purpose: running...

How can Europe lead the way?

Over the last two years, citizens across Europe have been exchanging messages with older people in developing countries, making their voices heard and showing solidarity through our "Europe Lead the Way" campaign. The campaign is gaining momentum in Europ

Life expectancy: Myth and reality

How often have you heard that ageing isn't a problem in the developing world because "life expectancy is below 50"? This arises from a basic misunderstanding of the meaning of "life expectancy", a misunderstanding which can be responsible for...

Solidarity across borders: The view from Slovenia

I first became aware of the Age Demands Action (ADA) campaign in 2010 when I got in touch with Slovenska Filanthropija (Slovene Philanthropy), the organisation that coordinates the campaign in Slovenia. I will quote a saying I recently came...

Action on ageing needed to tackle neglect

In the last weeks, I've received great insight into older people's knowledge of policies and legislation, having spoken to them about their views of how much governments have done to ensure that the Madrid Plan is implemented. As we...

World Diabetes Day 2011: Raising awareness in Kyrgyzstan

Despite the cold and cloudy weather, 200 people gathered in front of the State Historical Museum in Bishkek as part of the "Let's take control of diabetes" campaign on 14 November 2011. In Kyrgyzstan, 32,000 people are registered as...

Learning about social transfers in East Asia

I am currently completing a three month secondment from Age UK to HelpAge International's East Asia Pacific Regional Development Centre in Chiang Mai, and have been very lucky to have had my time here coincide with their annual Social...