
The Serbia I want

In my work coordinating the Red Cross of Serbia's activities for older people, I meet many older men and women who boldly state their views on how their lives can be improved through communal action. 17.4% of the Serbian...

UNJUST: Older people’s needs in emergencies are being ignored

The impact of disasters on ageing societies has already happened in more developed countries, with over two-thirds of the deaths from the 2011 Japan tsunami over the age of 60. This changing demographic picture is fast becoming a global...

Syrian refugees in Jordan struggle to survive current crisis

In my role as HelpAge's Emergencies Health and Nutrition Advisor, I recently travelled to Jordan. My aim was to collect information on the humanitarian situation and response to the Syrian refugee crisis by meeting relevant stakeholders including UN agenc

Mozambique floods: Older people will not be forgotten

Torrential rain in the first two weeks of January swelled the Limpopo river levels drastically and caused the government to advise all to evacuate to higher ground. On the evening of 23 January, queues of cars, minibuses, trucks and...

Working for a better life

Already a few months into my 12 month assignment with HelpAge International and my first opportunity to reflect was on the bus winding through the mountains west of Chiang Mai. My destination was the agricultural district of Samoeng. Here,...

Ageing, discrimination and inequalities in the post-2015 agenda

Placing equality at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda is in focus this week as experts, civil society organisations, UN leaders, and Member States meet for the consultation on addressing inequalities in Copenhagen on 18-19 February. Discussion

Providing secure shelter for older people in Sudan

HelpAge International in Sudan is providing safety and security to older people with a new, more sustainable and permanent shelters. To ensure older people are protected from rain, fire and the cold, we have constructed 42 "soil stabilise block"...