
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Serbia

On 14 June, I took part in the "My world, your world, without elder abuse" event, which took place in Serbia to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day the next day. The conference was organised by government ministries and...

ADA for Rights updates from around the world!

On 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), Age Demands Action for Rights was celebrated for the second time. HelpAge partners in 29 countries used this day of global action to meet with key decision-makers to build support...

DRC: Protecting older people from violence

A local NGO working to support people affected by the conflict in DRC is working across four camps for internally displaced people, including Mugungu III. Across the four camps, 1,000 older people received at least 100 biomass briquettes each...

Cannes Lions report: Connecting with youth

The International Festival of Creativity, also known as Cannes Lions, is the world's leading celebration of creativity in communications. Founded in 1954, the festival takes place every June in Cannes, France, when thousands of members of the global creat

Post-2015: social protection underpins sustainable development

As the date for the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) fast approaches, debate around what a post-2015 development framework should look like has intensified. Between 17 and 19 June 2013 the fourth session of the Open Working...

World Refugee Day: Older Syrians without hope

HelpAge International and Handicap International have recently begun work assisting Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Claire Catherinet, Inclusion Adviser for HelpAge and Handicap International, writes about her experiences working with older refugees and refug

Shocking statistics on China’s ageing population

Ageing as a policy issue is becoming of increasing importance in the world's most populous country, China. There are currently 194 million people over the age of 60 in China and this number is predicted to increase to 440...

From tarantulas to trust

As I inspected my forkful of local Cambodian crispy tarantula on a HelpAge business trip last week, it occurred to me that I was placing a good deal of trust in the de-fanging skills of the good chefs at...

Kyrgyzstan: Building advocacy strategies…and team spirit!

In Central Asia, a place not known by many, a fantastic meeting was organised by HelpAge International. This was the first time HelpAge had hosted a meeting with its network partners and offices that work in Eastern Europe and...

Darfur: Older people still hard at work

As I stepped down last week from the World Food Programme's helicopter in Habila, West Darfur; the extreme heat hit me. Then driving down the dusty road on my way to a HelpAge project, the driver told me that...