
The heart of the HelpAge Network responds to Typhoon Haiyan

I had worked for HelpAge for less than two hours when I first spoke to Fransiskus, the Executive Director of our Affiliate in the Philippines, the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE). Our inspiring discussion then was about...

Be the change you want to see in the world

In many societies, a common result of being an older man or woman is becoming invisible. The sad thing is it's not only the younger generation who has this conviction, but also some older people themselves. As a child...

Thailand: Water for life

Improving water and sanitation for older people was the idea behind a recent "Water for life for older people" day which was held in the mountainous village of Akha Ayo in Chiang Rai Province, northern Thailand. This annual event,...

Visiting cash transfer projects in Ethiopia

HelpAge's new CEO Toby Porter is on his first field visit with HelpAge. He recently visited our projects in Ethiopia. In this video, he talks about the cash transfer project in Tigray, Ethiopia where HelpAge provides a monthly payment...

Celebrating older people in the DRC

1 October is the UN International Day of Older Persons on which older people the world over gather to claim their rights and show themselves as a real force for change. It is also the day our Age Demands...

Speaking up for older people’s rights in Moldova

Our Age Demands Action campaign in Moldova started on 28 September with an intergenerational march where older people from around Moldova walked together with the Minister of Social Protection, Family and Child. Straight after, I headed to Geneva to...

Living with disability and disaster

The ASEAN Day for Disaster Management and International Day for Disaster Reduction was celebrated on 12 October in Bangkok, Thailand. Many organisations came together to commemorate those lives that have been impacted by disasters and to raise awareness o

Age Demands Action in India: Campaigning for better pensions

On 1 October, the UN International Day of Older Persons, HelpAge India took part in Age Demands Action. Federations of older people got together and demanded their basic rights and, specifically - improved access to India's old age pension...

Learning from Sweden’s experience of social protection

On the 1st and 2nd of October HelpAge International and the Church of Sweden held a conference on social protection with specific focus on the Nordic model and its relevance to international development. Ivar Lo Johansson (a Swedish writer)...

World Food Day: Tackling hunger and population ageing

Today is World Food Day, marked by a wealth of discussions on how to improve food systems and tackle hunger and malnutrition in the world. Central to this debate is how to make smallholder farmers and food systems in...